Sunday, March 9, 2014


2) 50 Years of the Violation of Basic Human Rights in West Papua: Part Two:


A google translate of article in Jubi. Be-aware google translate can be a bit erratic.
original bahasa link at


Author : Victor Mambor on March 9 , 2014 at 21:32:16 WP
Editor : -
All the work that was published in tabloidjubi well as text , images and sound as well as all forms of graphics ( other than those coded IST ) becomes the copyright of Action tabloidjubi.comPin It Oceania Interrupted Action 3 Free Pasifika - Free West Papua ( Tanu Gago / Oceania Interrupted )
Action Oceania Interrupted Action 3 Free Pasifika - Free West Papua ( Oceania Interrupted / Tanu Gago )

Jayapura , 9/3 ( Jubi ) - An intervention action Maori in New Zealand to support the struggle of people of West Papua amid Pasifika Festival in Auckland .

Action called Oceania Interrupted Action 3 Free Pasifika - Free West Papua was conducted by 14 female Maori , the Marama Davidson , Ruiha Epiha , Talafungani Finau , Leilani Kake , Moe Games - Fa'aofo , Genevieve Pini , Amiria Puia - Taylor , Leilani Salesa , Luisa Tora , Mele Uhamaka , Asenaca Uluiviti , Leilani Unasa , Julie Wharewera - Mika , Elyssia Wilson - Heti .

This action , according to one viewer , performed as a public intervention in the Pasifika Festival , to provide support for the struggle of the people of Papua self-determination .

Action Oceania Interrupted Action 3 Free Pasifika - Free West Papua ( Tanu Gago / Oceania Interrupted )
Action Oceania Interrupted Action 3 Free Pasifika - Free West Papua ( Oceania Interrupted / Tanu Gago )

" Our mouth is closed with the Morning Star flag is a symbol of silencing in West Papua . " Says Marama Davidson , one of the viewer , the Jubi . Sunday ( 9/3 ) via telephone .

Fourteenth Maori women is indeed covered their mouths with the Morning Star flag and wearing a size small Maori custom clothing .

" Our freedom as Māori and Pacific women in Aotearoa , New Zealand tied with our Pacific brothers and sisters in West Papua . " Added Julie Wharewera - Mika , another viewer .

According to Julie and Marama , their hands are tied terkekangnya symbolizes the freedom of the people of West Papua .

In this action , the viewer moves only minimal and without sound . This is to symbolize the lack of freedom of expression of political opinion , the lack of access to resources are fair and equitable , lack of access to free and independent media experienced by the people of West Papua . While Maori women 's bodies decorated in black to celebrate the existence of women as well as a symbol of mourning .

Action Oceania Interrupted Action 3 Free Pasifika - Free West Papua ( Oceania Interrupted / Tanu Gago )

Action Oceania Interrupted Action 3 Free Pasifika - Free West Papua ( Oceania Interrupted / Tanu Gago )

Action Oceania Interrupted Action 3 Free Pasifika - Free West conducted Saturday, March 8 yesterday at Western Springs Lakeside Park , Auckland . Thousands of people came to Auckland to watch the Pasifika Festival , which was centered in Western Springs Lakeside Park . ( Jubi / Victor Mambor )
From Tapol

2) 50 Years of the Violation of Basic Human Rights in West Papua: Part Two:

   Ever since 1963 and 1967, the LP3BH has recorded the fact that the Republic of Indonesia has consistently used violence against the West Papuan people, something that even started to happen before those years.

    On 15 August 1962, when the New York  Agreement was signed by Indonesia and The Netherlands under the supervision of the United States of America, the Papuan people were not involved' They were not even consulted for their opinion. Yet, at that time there was a New Guinea Council  which consisted of representatives of  the Papuan people, the members of which were chosen by means of democratically held elections which took place on 5 April 1961 in Hollandia (now called Jayapura). 

      [All the names of the members of the Council who were elected, of whom 22 were Papuans, are listed  as well as those who were appointed which included one Papuan and five Dutch people, including one Indo-Dutch person.]

    Besides that, there were two major religious organisations, - the GKI [Evangelical Christian Church] and the Catholic Church] which were spread across  the whole of the Land of Papua. Yet, these churches were never consulted as part of civil society in the territory at the time. This was despite the fact that the UN was involved  in the creation of UNTEA as well as The Netherlands and the USA.

     What we mean by being consulted is all about the framework and  the possible problems that might arise among the indigenous Papuan people who were regarded as being too primitive  to take part in an election held according to the principle of 'one person, one vote'. Were the towns and villages in West Papua too complex for the New Guinea Council or the two churches to choose their leaders? Such advice would have been very useful and important in deciding on on how to conduct the elections in accordance with the traditions  and customary laws that were vibrant among the Papuan people. who were supposed to have been consulted by means of the Act of Free Choice which was to have been held by 1969 in the Land of Papua.

     There was never any request for advice or opinion from the Papuan people. Still worse, what actually happened was that Papuans were arrested and even  cruelly tortured for allegedly being involved in an 'underground movement', with the intention of overthrowing the Indonesian Government. This is what happened to Baldus Mofu as a result of which he was mentally damaged at the hands of the military police and members of the Indonesian Air Force in Manokwari. Another Papua, Nicholas Tanggahma is believed to have died  after ingesting food that had been poisoned when he was staying at the Arfak Hotel in Manokwari in 1969. 

     Several other members of the Council such as Marcus Kaisiepo and Nicholas Jouwe were arrested and taken to Europe prior to the Act of Free Choice. Others were treated in the same way, including E.J Bonay, F.K.T. Poana, A.S. Onim and Thontjee Meset.

     All these acts of violence were perpetrated by members of the Indonesian security forces, the TNI and Polri. and further intensified as the Act of Free Choice drew near in August 1969.

     The LP3BH is well aware of the fact that many activists in Biak, Sorong, Manokwari, Jayapura, Wamena, Nabire  as well as in Merauke were arbitrarily arrested by the TNI and Polri some of whom were summarily killed. An example of what happened occurred on 28 July 1969 in Manokwari when 53 Papuans were summarily executed at the headquarters of the Infantry Battalion in Arfak-Manokwari.

     Such human rights violations have systematically occurred ever since that time, following the enactment of Law 12/1999. This was clarified in the General Remarks contained in paragraph 1, section 6 which state: 'The Act of Free Choice  in West Irian  was a manifestation of the aspirations of the Papuan people and resulted in the people of Papua and  West Papua  expressing their wish to be united with the people of other regions of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, affirming  that West Papua is part of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.'

      The afore-mentioned statement became the legal basis for the Indonesian Government to enforce paragraphs 109 and 110 in law.  This codification was part of the law under the Dutch Constitution [Wetboek van Strafrecht]  whenever the government takes firm action against the Papuan people when they challenge  'Papua's political integration'.

     As a result of all this, every time  that people in Papua or West Papua seek to challenge 'political integration'  using their right to freedom of expression as guaranteed in Law 39/1999
on Basic Human Rights as well as universal human rights, they are accused of the crime of treason under the Indonesian Constitution.

      Such incidences occurred in Biak on 6 July 1999 when a group of Papuans unfurled the Morning Star Flag under the leadership of Filep Karma which resulted in his being subjected to acts of brutality by the TNI and Polri and which moreover resulted in dozens, even hundreds, of Papuans falling as victims, some of whom even lost their lives. All this resulted in Filep Karma and his colleagues facing the charge of treason. 

[End of part two of the translation.]

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